Joel Ngalamulume
2 min readNov 5, 2021


I have to begin this with a huge apology to all my family and friends. Got struck by a few unforeseen tragedies, sorry to all that have reached out that I couldn’t get back to. I genuinely feel bad. Just needed a bit of time and space to regroup. Sort of had a epiphany that’s taken me out of a very low place, hopefully it helps someone.

Fear of failure

I kind of felt that I was going through the same cycle. Like I couldn’t get out of a rut. We have all seen the movie scene where a person is so paralyzed by their fear that they lose all ability to act. There is nothing wrong with fear. Yet it must be understood that when your fears consume you; your fears will paralyze you. A lot of us have dreams that will come with a lot of trials and tribulations, that’s just life in general.

I just feel as if we are all facing challenges in front of us that are not allowing us to reach our full potential whether it be.

  • Not studying cause you’ll fail anyways.
  • Not going after the job because you feel you wont get it.
  • Not chasing a dream cause its too big

These are all examples of fear stopping you from getting better at life. I kind of woke up and realized that despite the great feeling of success we all have to learn. As I humble myself I now know; that failure is part of the learning process.I am slowly starting to succeed. Long story short; the epiphany is don’t let the fear of failure paralyze you from learning to succeed.

